Grow with me

Winter Veggies

Well… What can I say? Now that Spring is officially here, I realize that I completely forgot to mention Winter veggies. It is no secret that Winter is NOT at the top of my favorite seasons list, so it is no surprise that I skipped right over those months. I know there are those of you out there that are all about “Snow! Snow! Snow!” All I can say is, “Bless your heart.”

What I grow…

The only veggies that I really grow (or have tried desperately to grow) in my garden that would be considered a Winter veggie is cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, leeks, Winter squash, and turnips. You may also consider this list of vegetables as Fall veggies. These veggies like cooler weather, which you can harvest in late Fall or Winter. Although I do not list spinach, my spinach did extremely well under the season extender throughout the Winter months. This season, before the first day of Spring, I already harvested a huge bowl full of spinach. How amazing is that?!


Carrots always do well in the garden, and they keep for quite a long time. When you have two Pugs in the house that love to snack on carrots, it is a great veggie to have around. I use carrots primarily in salads, soups, stews, and fried rice. Oh! And I cannot forget about putting carrots under my Thanksgiving turkey, along with potatoes, celery and herbs. The carrots come out so tender and delicious after roasting under a succulent turkey.

Other veggies…

All of the other mentioned veggies I did attempt to grow or have already planted for this year. Winter Squash was successful, but veggies, such as brussels sprouts, cabbage and celery were an epic fail. I am not sure what happened with the cabbage and celery, but the brussels sprouts were attacked by these strange bugs I have never seen before. I should have sprayed when I first noticed them, but I really do not like to use any type of pesticide on my veggies. The bugs pretty much killed my plants. This year I will use an organic pesticide should I see those pesky critters return. Wish me luck!