Grow with me

New Videos

Just a quick web site announcement. I have made several changes to the Grow with Me site. I am trying to clean it up to refocus on what is important to you and to me as I continue to grow my brand. I want to be able to continue to provide content and products that are fun and enjoyable… and tasty!

I have received several requests to make videos. So, I have created my first YouTube video, which I have posted. All of the videos will probably be short videos, unless I am in the kitchen. I am excited to share what I do in the garden and beyond. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

I am definitely not a videographer, but I hope you enjoy my efforts to bring you a little garden fun. To comment or like any of the videos, please visit my Grow with Me in WV YouTube channel. I will also link the videos from my Video Collection page where comments can be posted.

I hope you like the changes to the site, and I look forward to your comments. Thank you so much for your continued support!

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About Me

Michelle Mitchell-Brown

I’m a wife and a pug mom of two with a passion to plant seeds, watch my babies grow, and create amazing garden to table recipes to share!
