Grow with me

Spring Veggies

Speaking about my own garden in progress this year, the vegetables that are thriving are leafy greens and radishes. And, on the fruit side, the strawberries are doing very nicely, if only my Pug babies would stop eating them.

Mongo and Baxter, “Strawberry Thieves”

Hmm… Now that I’m thinking about it, this is the beginning of a great salad.

Spinach, loose leaf lettuce, and Bibb lettuce are going strong. Actually, scratch that, because the Bibb lettuce was eaten recently by an unknown suspect, but my guess is baby bunnies. Regardless, leafy greens thrive in cooler weather. You can plant them in early Spring and in the Fall. And, if you love salads or lettuce on yummy sandwiches, this is the veggie for you!

Leafy greens are easy to grow. You can grow them right in your own kitchen. You just need a pot, soil, seed, water, and sunshine (or a grow light). I have actually had Spinach continue to grow in the garden throughout the Winter last year, because of such a mild season. This year, I have loose leaf lettuce growing in areas that I did not plant them, which really baffles the mind, but I am thankful.

Radishes are one of those vegetables that pretty much grows like a weed. This is perfect for the beginner gardener that would love a quick win. This veggie grows super quick, and you can plant them over and over again throughout the season.

For those radish fans, you know that crisp zippy flavor of a radish all too well, but did you know the greens are just as tasty? You can use the leaves for salads, or sauté them like you would with spinach. If you haven’t tried it yet, definitely give it a go.

About Me

Michelle Mitchell-Brown

I’m a wife and a pug mom of two with a passion to plant seeds, watch my babies grow, and create amazing garden to table recipes to share!
