Grow with me

Saving Two Bucks?

A friend of mine tagged me in a Facebook post from a Vet group about “growing your own tomatoes is the best way to devote three months of your life to save two bucks.” I really wasn’t sure how to take this message. My first thought was, NOT TRUE! Growing your own tomatoes saves you a lot more than just a couple bucks, unless you are only growing two individual tomatoes. Seriously, who does that?

If you grow tomatoes like I do, you have several plants and different types of plants. I have cherry, Wisconsin 55, and Cherokee purple tomatoes this year. From those plants, you will yield quite a bit of tomatoes.

Some will be used immediately in salads, while others will be turned into tomato sauce to later be used for pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce, or tomato soup. Some may not make it to a ripened state, because I LOVE fried green tomatoes.

So, to say that you only save a couple bucks is something I cannot even comprehend. For under $10 for a few packets of different types of seeds, a Summer harvest can feed your family throughout the winter making a plethora of meals. All you need to do is can them or freeze them, and you are all set!