Speaking from personal experience, and from a person that LOVES food, portion control had always been the demise to my weight loss, but who knew at the time? I loved my starches, sweets, and crunchy treats. I also loved fruits, veggies, and meat. Let’s face it. I LOVE IT ALL!
After being diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes, the doctor had me meet with a nutritionist. The nutritionist really did not talk about what types of foods to eat, but how to eat. She said that a pasta portion should be the size of a fist, and a meat portion is the size of a palm, and to only have 1/2 bagel for breakfast instead of a whole bagel, because it was too many carbs all at once. These basic concepts did stick in the back of my mind, but in application, it really didn’t work for me.

What did work for me was changing the way I ate. I followed the portion control containers, tracking what I was eating, meal planning and meal prepping, while doing a workout program. I really did not eat all that bad (or so I thought), but it was definitely the portion sizes that was way off.
My workout program came with a nutrition guide, and the meal plan was based upon my current weight and my desire to lose weight.
Here is the formula that determined what meal plan I was to follow:

Note: This calculation is for weight loss based upon moderately challenging workouts (30-45 minutes 5 times a week). Other calculations are available for those not working out (doing light walking or stretching), or if you are doing extreme workouts (45 minutes or more, 5 times a week).

This calculation determined the meal plan that was right for me. When you have diabetes, the doctors seem to automatically put you on a 1200 calorie diet, but when working out, you need to fuel your body with the correct nutrition, and you will lose weight.
That’s right. You can eat and lose weight. The meal plan provided exactly how many veggies, fruits, proteins, carbs, healthy fats, seeds and dressings, and oils and nut butters I should have each day. This made it easy for me to plan out meals for the week.

Within four months of working out and following the meal plan that came with the program, I was able to drop 38 lbs. Do I have moments of indulgence? YES! But, you learn to treat yourself and not over indulge.
Today, I still do meal planning and meal prepping for me and my husband. It definitely takes the guesswork out of what to eat from day to day and you avoid the question, “What do you feel like eating?”