Grow with me

Planning for Spring

Having a garden in Zone 6b during the winter means a lot of cold and the “S” word. That is right. That dirty four-letter word. It is this time of year that all I do is envision, plan, draw and prepare for Spring. Sometimes I envy those with perfect growing weather all year round. There is nothing more I like to do than plant seeds and watch them grow. But, the Winter does give me something to look forward to come Spring.

Keep learning

The Winter may keep me out of the garden, but it does not keep me from learning. I do revisit my books of herbs and collection of books from Floret Farm. These are great references to help me plan and prepare for the next growing season. Although, I primarily grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs, the techniques used in cut flower gardening can apply to my vegetable garden. This coming Spring, I do plan to start dabbling more into cut flowers. It is exciting to think about. Flowers are beautiful, smell amazing, and I will be able to share everything I grow with friends, neighbors, and family.

In addition to books, I love to attend mini courses given by Erin Benzakein, owner of Floret Flower Farm & Seed Company. If you are interested in growing flowers, learning the basics, and new techniques, I highly recommend attending her mini courses. They are usually a few videos and some downloads, and packed full of information. I have put myself on the waiting list for the full online course. So exciting, and I cannot wait!

Collect seeds

I have been a bit of a slacker this season. Since it is cold outside, I am taking advantage of inside activities like collecting the rest of my seeds. I finished collecting anise seeds, mint seeds, and garlic chive seeds. I will add these to my stash of onion chives seeds and flat leaf parsley seeds. I do have plans to plant these in the Spring, but I am always willing to share to those who would like to grow herbs in their own garden.

Order your seeds

Thank goodness for mail order catalogs and online shopping. I comb through these catalogs like kids making their Christmas wish list. Looking page by page, I mark everything that I wish to have in my garden. Once I am done, reality sets in, and then I turn to my big collection of seeds in storage. Taking inventory of what I already have, I then turn to my wish list, and buy the seeds that I will grow come Spring. This year, I did buy flower seeds from Floret Farm. I cannot wait to receive them! Let the growing begin.

Plan your garden

The vegetable garden is getting a revamp this year. I will be moving my herbs to the main raised beds and making new beds for my personal vegetables. And, there WILL be flowers! I have a huge yard that is screaming for something to be added. Hubby does not know it yet, but my plan is in action to create a flower garden. Wish me luck!