Grow with me

My Big Surprise

I walked into the annual Master Gardeners luncheon, when someone came up to me and said, “Congratulations!” My first words were, “For what? What did I do?” Come to find out, I was named Master Gardener of the Year for Berkeley County, WV. Who knew? It was a big surprise, and I am honored that my fellow Master Gardeners chose me.

All of those hours growing plants for the plant sale, volunteering at the plant sale, the Rain Garden, the community garden, Tomato Fest, and the seed swap was done for fun and to be around people of like minds that enjoy gardening. I have learned so much from fellow Master Gardeners and from various speakers within the industry. If you are one of those garden enthusiasts, I highly recommend you contact your local extension service to learn more about becoming a Master Gardener.

Am I an expert? NO! There is still so much to learn. From what I have already learned, I do like to share with others. Growing is experimental to me. I love to see what I can grow and try to grow new flowers or veggies every year. There are successes, there are failures, but most of all, there is fun! With each season, I have plans to grow even more in the garden and in life.

“The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.”

Gertrude Jekyll

See the full article in the Martinsburg Journal: Berkeley County Master Gardener of the Year

About Me

Michelle Mitchell-Brown

I’m a wife and a pug mom of two with a passion to plant seeds, watch my babies grow, and create amazing garden to table recipes to share!
