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Lov n Light Yoga

I love yoga! Practicing yoga is great for the body and the mind. Some people may think that yoga is so easy and not really a workout, but believe me, you will sweat and your muscles will feel it. And, just like any workout, the more you do it, the stronger you become.

The best part about yoga is that it is a practice. You do not have to be perfect. If you lose balance, you just try again. If you cannot quite get into a position, just go as far as your body will take you. You can always challenge yourself to get better. It is not about perfection. It is about progress.

My good friend, Marlon, is one of the local yoga instructors and has established Lov n Light Yoga. I absolutely love taking his classes. He is such a gentle, loving soul, and always puts you at ease, helps guide you through the yoga positions, and makes yoga super-fun. My favorite saying of his is, “Be gentle on yourself.” This always sticks in my mind with any type of activity. Yoga is never meant to cause any type of pain to the body. I know our bodies can be resistant at times. Just listen to your body, and “be gentle on yourself.”

If anyone is ever in the Martinsburg, WV or Hagerstown, MD area, please check out one of Marlon’s yoga classes at OneLife Fitness or Rankin Physical Therapy (days and times are on the Lov n Light Yoga website). Watch the video to see what Lov n Light Yoga is all about, and to learn more about Marlon and his services, please visit his website.

Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga always did make me feel so good. With a very sedentary work day hunched over a computer, it feels really good to lengthen, stretch, and breathe. It definitely brings balance to my day.

Yoga does have many health benefits. Here are 13 health benefits of yoga from Healthline.

  1. Can decrease stress
  2. Relieves anxiety
  3. May reduce inflammation
  4. Could improve heart health
  5. Improves quality of life
  6. May fight depression
  7. Could reduce chronic pain
  8. Could promote sleep quality
  9. Improves flexibility and balance
  10. Could help improve breathing
  11. May relieve migraines
  12. Promotes healthy eating habits
  13. Can increase strength

About Me

Michelle Mitchell-Brown

I’m a wife and a pug mom of two with a passion to plant seeds, watch my babies grow, and create amazing garden to table recipes to share!
