Grow with me

Learning Patience Through Gardening

There is just a sense of pride to plant the seed, watch it grow, and harvest the benefits of your love, care, and patience. Trust me when I say that having a garden is a great way to learn patience.

A garden doesn’t just grow overnight. There is no instant gratification to be had here. …and yes, you can always start with plants, but whether you are growing a vegetable garden from plants or starting from seed, you must water, weed, and protect your plant, so it can remain strong and produce an abundance fruits and vegetables to last you the season, and maybe into the winter, but I’ll save that topic for another story.

Why do you think that section of the grocery store is called “Produce?” Because a farmer out there had the patience to tend to their crop and deliver us their harvest. Okay… that’s my version of it, so let’s run with that explanation.

The garden becomes very personal to the one that cares for it. There are ups and down. Plants may thrive, while others may die… or some crazy rabbit eats your strawberries, or a bird flies away with all of your squash sprouts. Kind of a sore spot if you noticed.

Patience to learn from trial and error. Patience to plant again. Patience to watch them grow. Dedication and commitment to succeed.

There’s a great quote from Audrey Hepburn that says, “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” And, as I looked over my own garden, I think to myself, Man! I believe in eternity!

About Me

Michelle Mitchell-Brown

I’m a wife and a pug mom of two with a passion to plant seeds, watch my babies grow, and create amazing garden to table recipes to share!
