Grow with me


I cannot say enough about this artist, because, not only is he super-talented, but he’s also my son! Josh Stevens makes me proud Every. Single. Day!

I have Josh’s artwork throughout the house, from the very early artwork of his younger years (even way back to the pre-Pre-School years) to the more permanent artwork of today in the form of tattoos.

Tattoo by Josh

Over the years, Josh has really grown as a tattoo artist and currently works at Sakura Tattoo in Winchester, Virginia.

“A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.”

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

In additional to expressing his art through tattoos, Josh also has a passion for Japanese art. His drawings and paintings are phenomenal. Hmm… come to think of it, I do not have any of his Japanese art (hint, hint… if Josh is reading this).

Here is my personal collection of Josh’s artwork and some of my favorites from his Instagram page. I know for sure that there are lots of people out there proudly displaying Josh’s art.

The Younger Years

The Later Years

Highlights from Instagram

To see all of Josh’s recent artwork and tattoos, follow him on Instagram @joshftwtattoo