Grow with me

Herb of the Month: Chives

Onion Chives

If you want to give a dish a sweet mild onion flavor instead of a POW, in your face onion overload, onion chives are your go-to herb. Chives are not as potent as an onion, but just as tasty. Matter of fact, I have used chives when I did not have an onion around. Whether fresh or dried, onion chives will deliver you that onion flavor that you love so much.

Health Benefits

You would think that a small thing like an onion chive would not have any type of health benefits, but think again. According to the USDA Nation Nutrient database, one (1) TBSP of onion chives has:

  • 1.74 mg (2% of the Daily Value) of Vitamin C for hair, skin, and nails and helps immune function
  • 2.76 mg (less than 1% of the DV) of Calcium for bone health and prevent hypertension
  • 6.38 µg (5% of the DV) of Vitamin K for bone health
  • 6.54 µg (1% of the DV) of Vitamin A, RAE (Vitamin A, 131 IU) for growth, health immune system and vision
  • 8.8 mg (less than 1% of the DV) Potassium for metabolism, water, and chemical balance in the body


Dried Onion Chives

I use chives in all kinds of dishes, but I primarily use chives in soups, salad dressings, dips, or as a garnish. Outside of the culinary world, chives have medicinal uses, such being used for digestive problems and stomach disorders, alleviating fatigue, controlling high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and preventing colds.

Did you know…

Did you know that chives are one of the few herbs that you can use every part of the plant? The flowers of the chive plant are even edible. They bring a nice flavor and a punch of purple color to culinary dishes.

I grow both onion chives and garlic chives in the garden. Both have similarities, such as beautiful flowers and green leaves, but they differ ever so slightly.

  • Onion chives leaves are round, where garlic chives leaves are flat.
  • Onion chives have beautiful purple flowers, where garlic chives have white flowers.
  • Although onion chives by name, have an onion flavor, garlic chives have both an onion and garlic flavor.

Since I do grow chives in the garden, they do tend to take over. If you let them go to seed, the wind will carry them all over the garden. This year, I have collected plenty of seeds, so if you are interested, I will send FREE SEEDS directly to you! Go to the SHOP and claim your free onion chive seeds today while supplies last.