Grow with me

Gardening Blogs, Garden
to Table Recipes, & More

Garden Gab & Recipes

From Garden
to Table

“The best culinary creations come from experimentation and sheer imagination.”
~ Michelle Mitchell-Brown

It’s a beautiful thing to share a delicious and nutritious homemade meal with family and friends.

I’ve done the hard work for you – just follow the steps and enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of my labor!

Choose your favorite recipe below and let’s get to it!

Herb of the Month

Time is an herb that cures all Diseases.

~ Benjamin Franklin

Lettuce Talk

All about life in the garden. The good, the great, the bad, and the ugly.

Beyond the Garden

Arts & Crafts

I love creating new things and learning about artists and how they use their unique gifts to create art pieces that bring such joy!

I’m happy to share the items I’ve made in and around the house, along with some amazing artists I’ve met over the years.

Around Town

I love to share the beauty in everyday objects.

Enjoy my photo gallery from my travels and around Inwood, West Virginia!