Grow with me

Herb of the Month: Mint

Mint Basil

Mint has always been another favorite of mine. It smells SO GOOD! I do have to say, the biggest reason why I grow mint is to put into my delicious beverages. I have mint growing close to the house, as well as in the garden. They say that mint grows like a weed. I have seen that happen, but to contain the growth, my mint grows in planters.

Heath Benefits


One of the greatest health benefits of mint is to promote digestion. If you ever over eat, have an upset stomach, or have a bit of nausea, mint is your go-to herb. Mint will settle your stomach, as well as boosts energy and freshens your breath! How great is that?!


Mint has many uses, but the best is for culinary treats. Without mint, there would be no York Peppermint Patties, Thin Mints, Andes chocolates, or mint chocolate chip ice cream. And we cannot forget all those delicious mint cocktails, such as Mint Julep, Southside, and my absolute favorite, Mojito!

Did you know…

Lemon Balm

There are more than 7500 different varieties of mint? That’s crazy to think about, but if you have ever visited a nursery these days, there are so many to chose from. They may not have 7500 in the nursery, but there is a fantastic selection. In the garden, I have Peppermint, Mojito Mint, Spearmint, Mint Basil, and Lemon Balm. Stay tuned, because I have plans for all this mint.

About Me

Michelle Mitchell-Brown

I’m a wife and a pug mom of two with a passion to plant seeds, watch my babies grow, and create amazing garden to table recipes to share!
